ui_manufacturer=Ryan Aeronatical Company
ui_variation=XFR-4 Test Aircraft
description=Experimental aircraft using twin engine configuration of Wright Cyclone R-1820-72W radial and Genetral Electric I-16 turbojet.\nFirst flight was on June 25th 1944, entering service in March 1945.  \n\nArmament was 4  .50" machine guns with optional warload of 2x 1000lb bombs or 4x wing mounted rockets.  This variant had the jet intakes moved from the wing root to NACA type inlets in the fuselage. This resulted in an up to 100 mph speed increase.
atc_id=XFR 4

performance=Span : 40'\nLength : 32' 4"\nEmpty Weight : 7,915 lbs\nMaximum Speed : 426 mph\nCeiling : 42,000 ft\nRange : 1,430 miles\n

gear_bump_nose_magnitude=6000           ; 0 - 10000
gear_bump_nose_direction=18000          ; 0 - 35999 degrees
gear_bump_nose_duration=250000          ; in microseconds
gear_bump_left_magnitude=6000           ; 0 - 10000
gear_bump_left_direction=35500          ; 0 - 35999 degrees
gear_bump_left_duration=250000          ; in microseconds
gear_bump_right_magnitude=6000          ; 0 - 10000
gear_bump_right_direction=00500         ; 0 - 35999 degrees
gear_bump_right_duration=250000         ; in microseconds
ground_bumps_magnitude1=3250            ; 0 - 10000
ground_bumps_angle1=8900                ; 0 - 35999 degrees
ground_bumps_magnitude2=750             ; 0 - 10000
ground_bumps_angle2=9100                ; 0 - 35999 degrees
crash_magnitude1=10000                  ; 0 - 10000
crash_direction1=01000                  ; 0 - 35999 degrees
crash_magnitude2=10000                  ; 0 - 10000
crash_direction2=9000                   ; 0 - 35999 degrees
crash_period2=75000                     ; in microseconds
crash_duration2=2500000                 ; in microseconds

empty_weight = 7915.000

reference_datum_position     = 0.000, 0.000, 0.000
empty_weight_CG_position     = 0.000, 0.000, 0.000

max_number_of_stations = 50

station_load.0 = 170.000, -3.000, 0.000, 3.000

;Moments of Inertia
empty_weight_pitch_MOI  = 11059.000
empty_weight_roll_MOI   = 7243.000
empty_weight_yaw_MOI    = 14484.000
empty_weight_coupled_MOI= 0.000
max_gross_weight= 11259.000
CG_forward_limit= 0.000
CG_aft_limit= 1.000
station_load.1= 1076.000, 9.795, 0.000, 0.000
station_load.2= 850.000, -8.280, 0.000, 0.000

cruise_lift_scalar     =1.000
parasite_drag_scalar   =0.503
induced_drag_scalar    =1.000
elevator_effectiveness =0.857
aileron_effectiveness  =1.000
rudder_effectiveness   =0.508
pitch_stability        =1.000
roll_stability         =1.000
yaw_stability          =1.000
elevator_trim_effectiveness =0.714
aileron_trim_effectiveness  =1.000
rudder_trim_effectiveness   =1.000

wake = fx_wake
water = fx_spray
dirt = fx_tchdrt
concrete = fx_sparks
touchdown = fx_tchdwn, 1
startup.0=6.062992, 2.257035, -1.198352,fx_engstrt.fx
startup.1=6.062992, 2.257035, -1.198352,fx_engstar.fx
startup.2=6.062992, 2.257035, -1.198352,fx_engsmoke.fx
startup.3=6.062992, 2.257035, -1.198352,fx_engstar.fx
startup.4=6.062992, -1.962160, -1.198352,fx_engstar.fx
startup.5=6.062992, -2.079905, -1.198352,fx_engsmoke.fx
startup.6=6.062992, -2.236898, -1.198352,fx_engstar.fx
startup.7=6.062992, -2.217274, -1.198352,fx_engstar.fx

power_scalar =2.002
cylinder_displacement= 202.550
compression_ratio= 8.830
number_of_cylinders= 9
max_rated_rpm= 2500.000
max_rated_hp= 1475.000
fuel_metering_type= 2
cooling_type= 0
normalized_starter_torque= 0.035
turbocharged= 1
max_design_mp= 61.000
min_design_mp= 1.000
critical_altitude= 21500.000
emergency_boost_type= 1
emergency_boost_mp_offset= 15.000
emergency_boost_gain_offset= 0.910
fuel_air_auto_mixture= 0
auto_ignition= 0

thrust_scalar =2.002
propeller_type= 0
propeller_diameter= 9.829
propeller_blades= 3
propeller_moi= 62.170
beta_max= 65.000
beta_min= 13.000
min_gov_rpm= 1800.000
prop_tc= 0.010
gear_reduction_ratio= 2.000
fixed_pitch_beta= 0.000
low_speed_theory_limit= 80.000
prop_sync_available= 0
prop_deice_available= 0
prop_feathering_available= 0
prop_auto_feathering_available= 0
min_rpm_for_feather= 0.000
beta_feather= 0.000
power_absorbed_cf= 0.000
defeathering_accumulators_available= 0
prop_reverse_available= 0
minimum_on_ground_beta= 0.000
minimum_reverse_beta= 0.000

number_of_exits = 1
exit_rate.0 = 0.4                               ;Percent per second

wing_fold_system_type = 4                       ;0=None
fold_rates = 0.12,0.11                          ;Percent per second

        //0  Class
        //1  Longitudinal Position        (feet)
        //2  Lateral Position             (feet)
        //3  Vertical Position            (feet)
        //4  Impact Damage Threshold      (Feet Per Minute)
        //5  Brake Map                   (0=None, 1=Left, 2=Right)
        //6  Wheel Radius                (feet)
        //7  Steer Angle                         (degrees)
        //8  Static Compression           (feet)  (0 if rigid)
        //9  Max/Static Compression Ratio
        //10 Damping Ratio               (0=Undamped, 1=Critically Damped)
        //11 Extension Time              (seconds)
        //12 Retraction Time             (seconds)
        //13 Sound Type
        //14 Airspeed limit for retraction (KIAS)
        //15 Airspeed that gear gets damage at (KIAS)
point.0= 1.000, 6.125, 0.000, -7.950, 3200.000, 0.000, 1.644, 30.000, 0.250, 2.500, 0.900, 4.000, 4.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000
point.1= 1.000, -1.528, -7.040, -8.150, 3500.000, 1.000, 2.204, 0.000, 0.540, 2.500, 0.760, 7.500, 8.500, 2.000, 0.000, 0.000
point.2= 1.000, -1.528, 7.040, -8.150, 3500.000, 2.000, 2.204, 0.000, 0.540, 2.500, 0.760, 7.000, 8.000, 3.000, 0.000, 0.000
point.3= 2.000, -0.880, -20.000, -1.450, 1200.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 5.000, 0.000, 0.000
point.4= 2.000, -0.880, 20.000, -1.450, 1200.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 6.000, 0.000, 0.000
point.5= 2.000, -21.240, 0.000, -2.310, 2400.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 9.000, 0.000, 0.000
point.6= 2.000, 8.110, 0.000, -3.810, 1200.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 4.000, 0.000, 0.000

static_cg_height = 8.100
static_pitch     = 3.000

eyepoint= 0.328, 0.0, 2.49,      //(feet) longitudinal, lateral, vertical distance from reference datum

//Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit            
light.0 = 4,  1.805,   0.00, 0.18, fx_vclight

Center1= 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 225.000, 0.000
Center2= 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 87.000, 0.000
LeftMain= 0.000, -12.250, 0.000, 82.000, 0.000
RightMain= 0.000, 12.250, 0.000, 82.000, 0.000
External1= 1.940, 0.000, -3.870, 175.000, 0.000

eyepoint= 0.328, 0.0, 2.09,      //(feet) longitudinal, lateral, vertical distance from reference datum

//Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit            
light.0 = 3,  0.826, -19.920, -1.013, fx_navred
light.1 = 3,  0.826,  19.920, -1.013, fx_navgre
light.3 = 4,  1.805,   0.00, 0.18, fx_vclight

wing_area= 380.000
wing_span= 40.000
wing_root_chord= 11.268
wing_dihedral= 4.398
wing_incidence= -1.000
wing_twist= 1.000
oswald_efficiency_factor= 0.930
wing_winglets_flag= 0
wing_sweep= 0.000
wing_pos_apex_lon= 3.192
wing_pos_apex_vert= -2.590
htail_area= 38.360
htail_span= 17.930
htail_pos_lon= -15.406
htail_pos_vert= 0.000
htail_incidence= 0.000
htail_sweep= 0.000
vtail_area= 23.040
vtail_span= 4.950
vtail_sweep= 0.000
vtail_pos_lon= -18.038
vtail_pos_vert= 0.000
elevator_area= 23.390
aileron_area= 23.440
rudder_area= 10.930
elevator_up_limit= 26.001
elevator_down_limit= 26.001
aileron_up_limit= 21.497
aileron_down_limit= 20.346
rudder_limit= 28.997
elevator_trim_limit= 19.996
spoiler_limit= 0.000
spoilerons_available= 0
aileron_to_spoileron_gain= 0.000
min_ailerons_for_spoilerons= 0.000
min_flaps_for_spoilerons= 0.000

engine_type= 0
Engine.0= 7.795, 0.000, 0.000
fuel_flow_scalar= 1.000

[Reference Speeds]
flaps_up_stall_speed= 65.000
full_flaps_stall_speed= 52.000
cruise_speed= 288.725

type= 1
span-outboard= 0.125
extending-time= 5.000
system_type= 0
damaging-speed= 201.000
blowout-speed= 305.000
lift_scalar= 1.000
drag_scalar= 1.000
pitch_scalar= 0.200
flaps-position.0= 0.000, 0.000
flaps-position.1= 6.000, 0.000
flaps-position.2= 9.000, 0.000
flaps-position.3= 15.000, 0.000
flaps-position.4= 20.000, 0.000
flaps-position.5= 28.000, 0.000